Welcome to my Notion site.

It's a living digital space where I've gathered my work, ideas, hobbies.

I am a mechanical engineer. The focus of my work has been on applying engineering methods as a tool to elegantly solve various societal problems at the intersection of healthcare and technology.

In 2019, I graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with a Bachelor’s of Science in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Controls, Instrumentation, and Robotics.

As of today, I am continuing my education as a doctorate degree candidate at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor. For my Ph.D., I am working as a graduate researcher at the Sienko Research Group on the development of data-driven gait assessment tools for vestibular rehabilitation.

When I am not working in lab, I like to draw in Procreate!

Current Research Projects

My research focus is on using wearable sensors and data science methods to quantify human performance, namely gait balance, in the context of physical rehabilitation.

Here are some of the projects I am currently working on. Please feel free to reach out if you want to learn more!

  • Automatic Near-fall Detection during Real-World Activities
  • Automatic Classification and Characterization of Vestibular Gait


[Accepted poster presentation] Jabri, S., Carender, W., Wiens, J.,& Sienko, K. H. (2022, October 15–17). Machine Learning-Based Vestibular Gait Screening: Examining the Discriminative Ability of Gait-Related Balance Tasks [Poster presentation]. International Conference for Vestibular Rehabilitation (ICVR) 2022, Minneapolis, MN, USA.

[Accepted poster presentation] Jabri, S., Bushart, D. D., Kinnaird, C., Bao, T., Bu, A., Shakkottai, V. G.,& Sienko, K. H. (2022, July 4–7). Effects of Vibrotactile Sensory Augmentation during At-Home Balance and Coordination Training in Individuals with Cerebellar Ataxia. ISPGR 2022 World Congress, Montreal, Canada.

[Accepted conference presentation] Jabri, S., Carender, W., Wiens, J.,& Sienko, K. H. (2022, July 4–7). Automatic Machine Learning-Based Vestibular Gait Detection: Examining the Effects of IMU Sensor Placement. ISPGR 2022 World Congress, Montreal, Canada.

[Submitted Manuscript] Jabri S, Carender W, Wiens J, Sienko KH. “Automatic Vestibular Gait Detection: Examining the Effects of IMU Sensor Placement and Exercise Selection.” Sensors. 2022

[Published] Jabri S, Bushart D, Kinnaird C, Bao T, Bu A,  Shakkottai V, Sienko KH. “Preliminary Study of Vibrotactile Feedback-Augmented Coordinative Training in Individuals with Cerebellar Ataxia.” Sensors. 2022

[Published] Hauth J*, Jabri S*, Kamran F, Feleke EW, Nigusie K, Ojeda LV, Handelzalts S, Nyquist L, Alexander NB, Huan X, Wiens J, Sienko KH. “Automated Loss-of-Balance Event Identification in Older Adults at Risk of Falls during Real-World Walking Using Wearable Inertial Measurement Units.” Sensors. 2021; 21(14):4661. (*) Equal Contribution



Analogical Thinking in Design - Best Practices

Drawing - Faceless Portraits